Sunday, September 18, 2011

mono.CHROME Chapter 2

"Yeesh, that Chikusa, why did he have to get so angry? He needs to get more calcium."
The park at evening.
Joshima Ken lay on the grass and stared at the red sky forming in the north. Then from his mouth, came a cry that didn't suit him.
Ten days ago--
In order to let Ken and Chikusa escape from the Vendice guards, Mukuro sacrificed his freedom and was once more captured.
In order to rescue him, the duo were thinking of planning out a foolhardy rescue plan.
Right before they set their plan into action,
In Ken's dream - Mukuro had appeared.
--Go find the other me.
Chikusa had received a similar message.
This was the order given to them through the spiritual world by Mukuro using his powers.
Although the duo were slightly surprised, Mukuro's orders were absolute.
Stopping their initial plans mid-way, they came to the place Mukuro had told them to--
hey came back to Japan.
"What the heck is 'the other Mukuro...? I don't get it at all..."
Ken and Chikusa had their minds on how to find 'the other Mukuro' 24/7.
But, they never managed to get any leads.
"... Mukuro-san..."
Ken lay down, tired and slowly drifted off into dream land.
For Ken, he had a certain memory of Mukuro he absolutely couldn't forget.
That was the night when the two had escaped from the hellish experimentation of the Estraneo.
Ken and Chikusa hid themselves in a rubbish dump where few people came by, their bodies shaking.
From what they knew, they were treated as merely lab animals. Resistance meant death and even if they went along with their tormentors, they would still die sooner or later. With this fear firmly engraved in their hearts, the two had never had a peaceful moment.
Even now, they were also afraid that from the dark depths of the road, the Mafia would appear.
And then, would they once again be taken back to that Hell--
When this fear reached its peak, he showed up.
Ken suddenly screamed in pain. Chikusa who was by his side had lost consciousness.
What had appeared in front of them weren't pursuers,
It was Mukuro.
After suddenly disappearing without a word, Mukuro had come back.
In his arms were many ripe apples. Mukuro, with his usual smile, handed one to Ken.
Even though his stomach was growling, Ken didn't take it.
At that time, Ken couldn't believe that this person who had killed all the adults in the Estraneo Famiglia had saved him and Chikusa.
Perhaps, this was a trap?
Fear infiltrated into him right down to his bone marrow and accumulated, giving him the natural cause to be wary.
--Not eating?
The tone in Mukuro's voice didn't seem very sorry. Then, he brought the apple to his own mouth.
The crisp sound of the apple being bitten into made Ken's ears prick up.
Bit by bit, little by little, the apple in that small mouth got smaller and smaller.
Ken was unable to look away.
Saliva pooled in Ken's mouth.
--Just eat.
After regaining his composure, all he saw was Mukuro handing him another apple.
Ken took it.
He bit into it without any hesitation.
Afterwards, it was as though Ken was fighting with the pile of apples, filling his empty stomach. When he was full, he only then noticed Chikusa was doing the same as him.
Frantically biting the apples.
Ken would never be able to forget the taste of those apples.
It was impossible to forget.
It was - their contract with Mukuro.
His mind that just woke up felt groggy, and rays of sunlight shot into Ken's eyes.
The sun hadn't set yet, seems like I haven't slept for too long.
Ken felt it.
Under the shining sun, someone was watching him.
"Eh? EH?!?!?!"
And, there shouldn't have been anything under his head, but now, he could feel something soft and warm and felt comfortable.
Ken suddenly shouted and jumped up.
"L-L-L-Lap..... Ahhhh......"
This was a first. He had actually slept on someone's lap.
Even if he were extremely tired, he wouldn't have gone near a stranger, it was hard for one to believe the current scene.
"... ..."
The girl that was about a similar age as Ken, looked at him in surprise.
She was but a frail, panicking girl.
The simple and somewhat plain coat, long purple* hair that seemed as though it hadn't been cut in ages, the gap in her fringe allowing one to see into her round and large left eye, and had a medical eye patch covering her right eye.
"W-Who are you?!"
Ken suddenly reached his arm out trying to push the girl away.
Ken, who had been panicking, hit onto the head of the girl.
Like that, she fainted.
"H-Hey!! Don't faint! It was just a slight push but you..."
"... ..."
She didn't say anything.
She just lay there, not moving at all.
--She died?! No way, there is no way someone can die by just being pushed...
Suddenly, the girl sat up without warning.
"... It hurts....."
The girl spoke in an expressionless tone while rubbing her forehead.
"... ..."
Ken came back to his senses with a look of dismay on his face.
"Who the heck are you?! Why would I.... I...."
Ken who was confused didn't know what to say and only scratched his head in irritation.
T/N: That's not irritation Ken, those are called 'fleas' XD
"Ah... I can't take this... Anyway, why did you do that kind of stuff?!?! Why?!! WHY?!?!"
... ...
The girl suddenly spoke.
"... ... Because you looked like you were going to die just now.
T/N: Nagi-chan's so cute~ 'because you looked like you were going to die' Only you can say that right smack into someone else's face! :3
"If you died... ... It would be sad."
Hearing this, Ken got confused.
"W-What are you talking about? I'm not some kind of weak stray cat!!'
"... ..."
"Don't looked at me with that 'You're not?' look!!"
There was a sudden burst of anger within Ken and he didn't know what to do.
This woman... There's definitely something wrong with her!
Even though Ken didn't understand anything much about girls, he had made up his mind.
This one in front of me!! This weird woman!!!
No matter who this person is, I'll definitely....
Ken suddenly became quiet.
"... ..."
A tinge of pink appeared on his face and stole a glance at the girl.
" ... ... 'gu'...?"
Upon hearing the girl inquire him about the sound, Ken blushed even more.
She heard it....
Because of being overly-ashamed, Ken immediately crouched down on the floor.
"... ... Are you... Hungry?"
"I-It's got nothing to do with you!"
"... ... You'll die."
"I already said I won't die! Don't keep worrying whether or not other would die, would you?! Listen up! To weak girls like you, I don't-"
Ken suddenly stopped.
".... ...."
The girl had handed something to Ken without saying anything.
It was a red, ripe apple of the same color as the setting sun.
An apple--
Just like that time with Mukuro... The apple that shone as brightly as a precious gem.
Without thinking, he reached his hand out.
Took a bite out of the apple the girl had brought with her and started eating.
Ken started crying.
Before he could react, large drops of tears had fallen onto his cheeks.
"ah... what is this, this is just.... w-why..... why....."
Ken used his dirty clothes to wipe the tears off his face, turned away from the girl and ran off.
While running, he cried.
He didn't know why.
He really... Didn't know why.

*In the novel, it says 'black hair' but I changed it to purple for the sake of keeping the same colour as that of in the anime.

<--- Chapter 1                                                     Chapter 3 --->

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